About me

I am Karris, a 26 year old girl from a small island, now living in the City (of Glasgow), with a penchant for sparkly things and quite a serious blush addiction. I am a wife and mummy, and love being both of those things more than anything in the world, so amongst the beauty posts on the blog you may find it sprinkled with mentions of my life and my family, which also includes Tyson, the Chihuahua and Honey, the cat. This blog is 100% bunny friendly - I have strict views on animal testing and feel that no animal should have to sacrifice their life just so that we can look good.


  1. you are absolutely stunning and your not just a dumb blonde you can actually put sentances together x

    i would love to get to know you more :-D

    im on twitter send me a message @johnwatson1985

    1. you really know how to treat a lady don't you John!

  2. I'm from a small island too and have moved to Glasgow for uni! Also used to have a boxer dog called Tyson, freaky! Can't believe it's taken me this long to find you, but I've fallen in love with your blog and channel! :) xxx

    1. Wow, that is spooky! Thank you for taking the time to message me x

  3. Just found you on youtube and subscribed immediately. I especially love your makeup posts with blonde hair. Im always trying to find better ways of doing my eyes and colours that work well with platinum blonde hair. Love it!

  4. "you are absolutely stunning and your not just a dumb blonde you can actually put sentances together x

    i would love to get to know you more :-D

    im on twitter send me a message @johnwatson1985"

    HOW IRONIC IS THIS POST???? too funny - sentances! :D

  5. Love watching ur YouTube videos and subscribed straight away being from outside Glasgow myself! Your jewelry line is gorgeous,where is it you sell your pieces? Staca-nic. Ps..wee Casey is just adorable!! Xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it x